Free Stories

Book Store Bop By Cumhunger
A lady friend of mine Kelly had been riding to work with me for the past week and every evening on the drive home we past an adult book store.I mentioned something to her in passing that the lot always seemed to be full.She looked at me with a mischivous grin and said... yeah all the guys who's w... Read full Story
An Empty Hole
"its not working out im breaking up w/ u" The last text he got from his girlfriend that Friday was heavy. It sank, like the hull of a battered battleship, drifting towards the bottomless, cold abyss of his heart. The teen took it hard, harder than most. His emotions flared, rapidly resp... Read full Story
Duchess of Lamore Part 2
First Morning in the Palace The next morning he awoke in a strange bedroom. Portions of the night before slowly seeped into his brain. There were girls, he remembered that. There was that drink. That drink had messed him up. He shifted around on the huge bed and felt his head screaming at him. He... Read full Story
Sister fucks Cross-dresser brother
James pulled his cock out of my pussy and scooted across the bed to my face. He aimed his blowhole for my mouth. "Don't get any on the pillow," I said. He didn't seem to hear. James hunched over. His eyes narrowed. He stroked his Johnson. The jizz flew. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes.... Read full Story
What I dream about
I'm shortly to embark on a trip to amsterdam in the new year and am very excited for one thing in particular, the opportunity to come across a real life shemale! I've been a massive admirer of shemales for a long time now ever since I first saw one. I don't remember exactly how I came across them b... Read full Story
Sisters' Secret
I want to get one thing out of the way before I start my story: I'm not gay. It's not a denial thing, though. I mean, if I were gay, I wouldn't try to lie to myself and pretend to be something different. It's simply the truth of who I am. I love women, romantically and sexually. I've never felt any ... Read full Story
TG - My new love
The neon light at the Thirsty Hole was like a beacon that grabbed my attention. I heard rumors around town that the Thirsty Hole was a hangout for shemales. Tonight I was cruising bars and decided to see what a shemale actually looked like. Now I'm a straight guy. Never really had even consi... Read full Story
Ghosts Chapter 2
"Good morning my dear jamie. Have a good nights rest?" my captor speaks, invisible as ghosts are. I am as I was when he left me. I have invisible ghost restraints on my wrists and ankles. I'm lying on my back, spread so my arms and legs form an X shape. The cum that my ghost captor m... Read full Story
A Couple and Me
I have obsessions. I have compulsions. I suppose everyone has them but not many of us act on them. I do. Every chance I get. I obsess and compulse on being gang banged, or on anonymous sex or on sex with young guys (sometimes girls too). I get into bondage and being forced and sometimes on violent s... Read full Story
Bar trap Part 2
I was supposed to put on heavy makeup. Starting with the foundation, I applied a generous layer of a brand especially designed for the use on stage, that did a very good job covering up any dark shadows. After I was satisfied with the effect, I used a brush to put on powder and make it all smoot... Read full Story
Black Transsexuals
Whenever I'm off duty, I'm liable to get into some type of adventure. Who am I? I am Troy Shane, a sergeant with the Massachusetts State Police. I was walking around the Boston Public Library when I saw this tall, plump jet-black honey with a big butt. She was walking around strutting her stuff. A B... Read full Story
You're Gorgeous and I'm Curious
I love a lady in a short, short skirt, and this lady was wearing one of the shortest I'd ever seen: a bit of sky blue denim that barely reached her upper thighs and left her long, luscious legs mostly in view, covered as they were in just the tightest thigh-high white stockings. She was perched o... Read full Story
My First Time
This is my first ever story written about my first ever sexual encounter with a transgender woman. I really hope you enjoy and want to leave me some feedback… I have slept with many women in my life. I have been married, had more girlfriends than I can remember, several fuck buddies and far too m... Read full Story
I'm going with you and your friends to a large clothing store. I'm here as a boy, but we're going to the women's section. Full of beautiful dresses, panties... I can't take my eyes off it. She would like to have it all. We walk among the hangers and you and your friends choose clothes and underwear... Read full Story
Chapter 1 - My Cuckold Life
I have a small penis. In fact, I have a very small penis. I’ve been in permanent chastity for over 7 years. My wife and her lovers call it my “caged clitty” and that’s about right as far as it being a useful penis. I suppose I should start at the beginning. I’ve never been much of a man. I’m ... Read full Story