Free Stories

The Coach's Chance Encounter
Eddy McCants rolled the rack of basketballs back into the athletic storage room at Liddell County High School. After coaching the varsity boys to the final four in the state tournament last season, he had a good feeling that his team would make it at least as far this time around because he had thre... Read full Story
Amy's Awakening
I was home all by myself one morning and decided to take advantage of this very rare happening. So I took a long hot bubble bath and shaved all my body hair. Not that it was a lot, I have almost no arm or leg hair and just a tiny patch of chest hair and a little facial hair on my chin and upper lip ... Read full Story
Fitting Room
Several years ago when I was just starting collage I had just gotten my grant money and like a good responsible young man I decided to spend it on some new clothes to try to be more attractive to women. I went to a clothing store that had both men's and women's clothing. While browsing around the me... Read full Story
It was going to be a long day. Claire had never been much for the world of romance. Running from secret organizations and superpowered serial killers never left her much time for that kind of thing. She was always more pragmatic, trying to figure out how to survive or, when surviving wasn't an is... Read full Story
Kelly's second cock
It was a usual boring Saturday. I spent the afternoon watching tranny porn. Watching those sluts getting fucked and sucking cock got me really turned on. I knew that I had to join them, to have a man in my mouth. I was so fucking horny, I just knew that I was going to be a good little slut tonight. ... Read full Story