Free Stories

Becoming a Cock Worshipper Chapter 2
After sucking Ray he let me use his shower to clean up. He led me upstairs to a rather luxurious master bath, with an enormous marble tub, with expensive looking twin shower heads. Before showering I paused to admire myself in the mirror: I was stunned by my appearance, my lipstick and eyeshadow wer... Read full Story
Brandi's Diary
This Friday is my 21st birthday, and I could not be happier about the wild young girl I've become over the last three years. The following is the mostly true story of how I went from a scrawny geek to the hottest t-girl in all of Los Angeles. I'll fill you in more on my background as my story goe... Read full Story
Francis Meets a Black Stud Part 3
As I washed myself in the women's bathhouse, I began to regret everything I had done. I had already cum and the sexual intoxication seemed to be gone. I could not believe that I had willingly submitted to what I had allowed that black man had done to me. I began to be very disgusted with myself. Fur... Read full Story