Free Stories

I Call on Jill & Mary
When Jill was born the medical staff looked at the baby's genitals and told the parents "You have a baby boy." The baby was named Jack, after his uncle and spent the next several years as a boy. Jack never got involved in sports with other boys, partly because of his small stature and p... Read full Story
Barbie Jo Adventures Part 1
Halloween night It was agreed by all three of us that we would dress up as women and Wanda as a guy. So when I arrived by taxi and went into the house I was wild that I was the only one dressed up. I stood there, my face as bright red as the lipstick I had on while Peter, John and Wanda whistled ... Read full Story
Can I Be This Lucky?
I had just broken up with my wife of 4 years. So I was definitely not feeling good about myself. My time in the Navy was just about up, & not a second too soon. Now that I was done with my wife, I had no reason to stick around here anyway. I decided to go check out a movie to get my mind off thi... Read full Story
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 9
What a difference a weekend could make Paula thought sitting up in bed that Monday morning. In just two short days her life had changed completely. She had discovered cock. Playing with hers was fun, but playing with others was even better. And there was a world full of cocks just waiting for her to... Read full Story
Betrayed Chapter 7
Angie kept my arm locked in hers, preventing any attempt at escape. We caught a cab back to my place. She was even more appreciative of it than Dianna had been. "Girlfriend, you live like a queen!" she exuded. Realizing what she had just said, she giggled. "Oops! Well, you kn... Read full Story
Billy Is Billie on Halloween
It was October 30th when I first found out who I really was, a cock sucking cum drinking whore that needed to be fucked. For so long I have dreamed of women without having any luck actually being with them. With my very feminine figure and shoulder length hair I was always pushed aside for the bigge... Read full Story
I stood on the stoop outside of a small white house with red shutters about a thousand miles from home. The house was in a nice neighborhood in the suburbs. There were rows of identical houses next to it with similar small patches of lawns and plain black mailboxes. All of the houses appeared to be ... Read full Story
Caught by my Sister
It was 10 o'clock on a Friday night and I was all alone in the house. My Mom, Erica, who was in her late 30's and recently divorced was enjoying her new found freedom by going out with he girlfriends. My sister, Jane, was out with her friends for the night and that left me alone as usual. My name... Read full Story
Caught by my Sister Chapter 2
I woke up the next morning still in a daze from the night before. My head throbbed from a nasty hangover as I attempted to remember what happened. As I turned over in my bed I felt something soft sliding against my skin. I lifted my blanket up and looked down at my body only to remember that I was w... Read full Story
Feminine Persuasion
Chapter 1 One must look back at events in their life and laugh at times. One must even remember those that have come into there life and smile about them. But when someone has had such an impact on your life that you can no longer go back to how things were before them, you are forced to remember... Read full Story
Blame it on the Wedding Dress Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Sunday Next morning, I woke up early. I spent some minutes in bed remembering the last day. Even this morning I could not really believe what happened to me. A wedding dress had started to change my life – and it was not yet done. Possibly the most important things were still wai... Read full Story
Bookstore Bound
My Master, ever the gentleman, held the car door open for me. I smiled at him as I turned to get out of the car. I made sure to spread my legs in a very unladylike manner, giving him a good peek up my short dress. He simply shook his head and took my arm. We made our way over to the entrance to the ... Read full Story
Finding A New Purpose Chapter 6
As I unlocked the door, Mike lugged in the bags of things I'd bought. Jessica followed, carrying takeout we'd picked up on our way home. She set the food on the counter as Mike and I took my things to my room. Before I could put any of my gifts away, I had to get out of my clothes. It felt weird bei... Read full Story
Sunrise Motel
There's a Motel we know of, my group of friends, kind of secluded, off the main roads; very quiet and somewhere a guy or a girl could appear and disappear with the least of fuss. That's why we chose it. Here's how it works. Our group is an Internet-made friendship, like minded souls who chat abou... Read full Story
Working with Trista Chapter 2
Day 3: That morning I was awakened as my phone rang; Trista was calling me telling me it was time to get up. She said that she would be over shortly. I hoped it was to let me out of the chastity device. That moment couldn't come soon enough, and neither could I! A few minutes later Trista knoc... Read full Story
An Unexpected Surprise
When I walked into the bar, I didn't notice her at first; I sat in a booth in a dark corner and ordered a drink from the waitress. The waitress returned with my drink, and when I went to pay her for it, she said it had already been taken care of by the blonde at the end of the bar. I looked, and ... Read full Story
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Hot
Commissioned by: Hobgoblin Written by: christhestampede ~~~ Yuffie climbed off the Highwind's ladder and stormed across the field to a nearby clump of trees, fuming and kicking at the ground as she went. Before entering the grove she turned and shook her fist at the departing airship, cursi... Read full Story