Free Stories

I'm going with you and your friends to a large clothing store. I'm here as a boy, but we're going to the women's section. Full of beautiful dresses, panties... I can't take my eyes off it. She would like to have it all. We walk among the hangers and you and your friends choose clothes and underwear... Read full Story
She Took Control
I was at the bar on a Saturday night drinking as usual. I was scoping out the girls and hoping I could find something to spend the night with. I found absolutely nothing. I continued to drink and drink and drink until I blacked out for the most part and can’t really tell u anything after that.... Read full Story
Ghosts Chapter 1
I had always wanted a big house with a lot of land, but when the oppurtunity arose, I got a lot more than I baragined for. My name is James. I am 26 years old and have a degree in accounting. While I was at work one day, I got a call from a will lawyer saying that a very distant aunt had rece... Read full Story
Angel Chapter 1
On her eighteenth birthday, fresh from her shower, Angel Jones looked at her nude reflection in the full-length mirror in her bedroom, and was mostly pleased with what she saw. Her blonde hair, down past her shoulders and still growing, was soft and shiny, and all that she could have asked for. She ... Read full Story