Free Stories

Angel or Not?
After a long hard day working, I decided I needed a break. I pulled in at a local bar. Being that I move a lot because of my job I always seem to find these out of the way bars. I found an empty stool at the bar so I sat down and ordered a nice cold draft. The place was pretty empty for early evenin... Read full Story
A slave for three beautiful shemales
Here's another great story that was submitted by one of our readers. Enjoy reading. I used to be a bouncer at a night club and one day after my shift a very foxy black busty babe approached me just outside the club. She was wearing hot pink track pants and itty bitty tube top that was some how ho... Read full Story
It was going to be a long day. Claire had never been much for the world of romance. Running from secret organizations and superpowered serial killers never left her much time for that kind of thing. She was always more pragmatic, trying to figure out how to survive or, when surviving wasn't an is... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 5
After feeding me Mary, untied me from the chair, other than keeping my hands tied behind my back, and a short chain between my ankles. She attached a studded collar around my neck attached to a dogs lead, and led me from the room. I teetered on the heels behind her, taking little fairy steps due to ... Read full Story
Whatever dreams may cum
I just have to share with you an experience that I hope someday becomes real. It was cool Saturday night in August and I was out at the club with some friends. I was wearing a black and blue stripped dressed that went down to my thighs. It wasn't quite a mini, but you could see my sexy black thong u... Read full Story
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 10
She found Ted and Sarah sipping drinks. Paula walked over and retrieved her cute ruffled panties and then proceeded over to Ted, took his drink and put it on the table and looked at Sarah, "Excuse us. We have some unfinished business." She took Ted into her bedroom and closed the door. ... Read full Story
Fantasy Becomes Real
Jason's mind races at how he had met this person and they had said they had fallen in love with him. When things got deeper and they found out his special interest, well things got different. He got the life he wanted in many ways but in some if changed for the worst. She found out he was a cross... Read full Story
A Sissy's Reward
Every time he does this to me he drives me crazy, keeps me addicted to his hand. I feel my sissy-like penis strain to escape from between my legs. I'm very small, only about 3" when hard. I keep it tucked for him, hold it tight between my legs at all times...except for when he does what he's ab... Read full Story
Amie's Games
I met Amie at Black Angus where I worked bussing tables at 18. She was 24 and beautiful with a slim sexy body, long straight black hair and a look that oozed sex appeal. She dressed to show it all off, whether in jeans or short skirts. I was still a virgin and hopelessly shy with girls, I was out of... Read full Story
ASSERTIVE WENCH I caught my live-in partner in an affair and things went awfully as her and her supervisor went into overdrive trying to make every mutual acquaintance believe something perfectly fine and wholesome had led to their affair and my misery. We parted and for a time I stayed to mysel... Read full Story
Training of stacy
Before reading this story please be aware that that some people would label this work as obscene and pornographic in nature. It contains several themes including transgendered, homosexual and lesbian issues in addition to graphic sexual descriptions. To make the action flow more freely and the st... Read full Story
Tales of Old China
This is a true story by the way. It doesn't matter too much, but I guess it's worth you knowing that. My name is….. Well my name isn't important. What's important is that I'm now in my late 20's, male, tall, fit, dark haired, blue eyed and have been told that I'm good looking. Got that in ... Read full Story
Becoming a Wife
Lucy had travelled a long way in the past few years. From bedroom cross dresser, to out and about T girl. From T haunt socialite, to flirt ,to promiscuous thrill seeker. But it had never been enough. Chance bar room meets, one night stands, and hit and miss internet dates. Like many T girls she had ... Read full Story
A Surprise Stripper for My Birthday
My wife and I have always been a little on the kinky side. We have been swingers for seven years and have done many wild things during this time. Every Friday night we have a thing called dirty night where we go up to our room and watch two of our favorite shows Bliss and Kink. Bliss is a weekly ... Read full Story
Break-Up Surprise
I was 18 and had been dressing up for two years before anyone had learned of my little hobby. I had no intention of telling anyone until I saw a friend in need. I was perfectly content getting dressed up in sexy clothes and having fun with someone on the internet from the privacy of my house. My ... Read full Story
Book Store Bop By Cumhunger
A lady friend of mine Kelly had been riding to work with me for the past week and every evening on the drive home we past an adult book store.I mentioned something to her in passing that the lot always seemed to be full.She looked at me with a mischivous grin and said... yeah all the guys who's w... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 3
I felt his stiff cock at my asshole. I shuffled my legs a little further apart, partly to prevent him ramming it into me and it hurting, and partly bacause I just wanted him to fuck me! "you fuckin dirty slut" he whispered...he'd noticed my little subtle movement " you want my cock... Read full Story
Finding A New Purpose Chapter 4
Several weeks passed, and Mike and I began settling into a bit of a routine. There was no way we could have sex every night, especially seeing how much it took out of me. I would wake up in his bed, still dizzy from what happened every time we fucked. Most times, he was rough with me, but I had come... Read full Story
First time out, first time fucked
I was looking good even if I do say so myself. Six inch black platform heels, black hold ups, the obligatory little black dress, long red wig and my fave faux fur jacket. I felt sexy, I felt like a slut and I wanted the world to see me. I hadn’t been out before but I had been building mysel... Read full Story
Caught Exploring
I open the hotel room door and look around the room. The front room has a couch and table and the back room has two beds. A window in the front room looks out on the walkway and then past to the open atrium. I close the door and walk to the bedroom with my bag. I think again about the chat from l... Read full Story