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Robin's Adventure
I wanted him to have me completely and totally. I couldn't believe I was feeling like this as I sat in the passenger seat of his car. His cock felt so large in my hands. I.... well I guess I'd better explain who "I" am. My name is Robin Daniels, I'm transgendered. I guess I've known it ... Read full Story
The Married Man of Summer #1
The Married Man of Summer #1 By Sabrina G. Langton *** Something quick.. something from a nice quiet neighborhood, I hope YOU like it... *Stories from the real world This story is slightly, slightly, very slightly autobiographical. Ha... *** Between the beginning of summer 1987 and th... Read full Story
New School, New Life
Part of my father's job is on-campus recruiting, so when it was time for him to spend a week at the university where I was enrolled for the following fall, we decided that I should go with him and familiarize myself with the campus. We left on a Friday morning to ensure I'd have a full week on ca... Read full Story
My First Time
This is my first ever story written about my first ever sexual encounter with a transgender woman. I really hope you enjoy and want to leave me some feedback… I have slept with many women in my life. I have been married, had more girlfriends than I can remember, several fuck buddies and far too m... Read full Story