Free Stories

My Favorite Top Tranny
Kevin:I know you're secret, you have a huge cock under your panties and like to a man that turns into your bitch boy when you fuck. guess what I love a tranny that wants to top. I'm proud so I don't have to keep it a secret. Rosie:*I blush deeply, my cheeks turning bright red, as I try to maintai... Read full Story
Tranny Gas Station
When I was 18 (just a few months after my first story), my dad and I were taking a road trip cross country. One evening we stopped at a gas station for a little break. Out of the corner of my eye. I saw a woman get out of her car. She was wearing tight black leather pants and a blue thong that was r... Read full Story
Unexpected pleasure I was at a place in my life where I was done with the whole dating thing. All I did was work and hang out with friends. When a guy came my way to talk to me, I would brush him off quickly and rudely. I had a friend named Alexis. I would say she is one of the most beautiful wo... Read full Story
Tranny Surprise
When I left my high school, I decided to go on a gap year and travel the world to see lots of interesting people and ways of life. My first stop was Thailand which was great and I had so much fun partying with my friends as around 5 of us went on the trip. After Thailand the next stop was in Braz... Read full Story
Revenge of the Tranny Club
Yasmin growled as she read the review website. After opening up her own nightclub recently, popular hotspot critic Norman L. posted a negative review of the club on a popular review site. "Boring club, bad music, too many guys," it said, "Seems to be full of trannies as well. Not w... Read full Story
Big Booty Black Boy Gets cheated on
I have been secretly bi throughout my life. But nobody has known. I have had several girlfriends and all. One physical trait that I developed at the age of 18 was a big booty. It grew so much that I couldn't hide it much. One time I went to the gym with tight clothes and my curves were obvious. A lo... Read full Story
How I Got Lucky Through She Male Personals Sites
For as long as I can remember, I have loved shemales. Trying to explain to people exactly what it is about shemales that I love is actually a lot more difficult than it should be, because it's almost as if I'm trying to make other people understand rather than just telling them what it is that I lik... Read full Story
Worry Free Shemales Dating Can happen To You Too
"There is no such a thing as an attractive tranny" was one of my lifetime mantras. Growing up in Bay Area, it was easy for me to spot and recognize all of those masculine bodies dressed in female clothes. Their huge feet in high heels looked as a combination form hell. Free shemales dating... Read full Story
Virginia’s Luxurious Evening
West Palm Beach didn’t have many cold snaps, but when one did rake the city the weather seemed twice as frigid as it actually was. Virginia Stanton sat alone in her office on the third floor of Prism Design’s building overlooking the Intra-coastal Waterway. She had been chilly all day, m... Read full Story
First time with a Tranny
My first tranny I had was back after I graduated from high school. I was working with her/him at a Wal-Mart store. We got along pretty good then we started to date, I was living on my own so we usually go to my apartment. I had no clue she had a cock, she was a very beautiful woman with size B tits.... Read full Story
My First Tranny
I met Charkara (her real name) through an adult dating site. You can find her pictures on my xhamster page titled, "My First Tranny". We corresponded through the dating site quite regularly before we decided to take it to next level and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. We ... Read full Story
Trailer Trash Tranny
I was on a two week business trip in Omaha, Nebraska. During the weekend, when the office was closed, I decided to do some sight-seeing. There was a corn maze about an hour out of town that I went to check out. It was pretty boring, so I didn't stay long. I was driving back towards Omaha. It was ... Read full Story
Tranny Attack
Tears of pain pricked my eyes as Julia drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself, an all-American straight white male to be in this situation, beaten, bound, and being ass-fucked by a transsexual with a huge cock. I am a normal sort of person, happily... Read full Story
Joanna the Tranny Prostitute
Joanna stood on the street corner and casually shifted her posture from one leg to the other. So far it had been a quiet evening for her with few punters around. Not many girls were plying the streets either. She’d had one customer earlier. He had been an Asian guy in a Toyota who’d stop... Read full Story
My tranny slave
My biggest wish is to own a tranny slut a cheap worthless little cumwhore. Is make wear stocking suspenders a short skirt and black lace panties. I would rule her with an iron fist. First I'd make her crawl on all fours like my lil pet I may even keep her on a leash. She would be forced to obbey my ... Read full Story
My Virgin Tale
It was a brutally cold winter night, even by Minnesota standards. It didn’t matter. I was just beginning my journey towards womanhood and needed to get out on the town for some much needed male attention. Technically, still in the closet, care was needed to make sure it went undiscovered anytime I s... Read full Story
Can I Be This Lucky?
I had just broken up with my wife of 4 years. So I was definitely not feeling good about myself. My time in the Navy was just about up, & not a second too soon. Now that I was done with my wife, I had no reason to stick around here anyway. I decided to go check out a movie to get my mind off thi... Read full Story
My Frist time with a tranny
My Frist time it was back when AOL frist came out. I was in a miami chatroom and I met a tranylicous. We Started to chat. I remember going to the profile on the side of the message window and I found out throu pics what a tranny was. I must of been 13 at the time or so. She gave me her address. it w... Read full Story
My 2nd tranny date
My second transexual Encounter was years later my First, I was sixteen At the time. And I was driving home from my girlfriends. I was living at my parents, my curfew was 2 am. That nite I had taken my moms fleetwood with me. I left her at her house and I had a hard on. On the way back I passed by 8s... Read full Story
A Love Story
The bisexual lifestyle can be a lot of fun. Let no one tell you otherwise. My name is Lawrence Henderson and I'm a six-foot-tall, good-looking black man living in the town of Boston, Massachusetts. I work as an executive at Anderson & Winston on Boston's Financial District, one of the top invest... Read full Story
My first tranny Part 2
It felt so good to cum in her mouth. that wasn't planned. her mouth just felt so good. nice & wet. told her what really got me off so fast was having her cock in my mouth. "in that case, come here & suck it some more." she laid down with her legs open & her dick in the ai... Read full Story
Tranny's First BBC
Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me. Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks a... Read full Story
Stephon fucks Sora and her sexy tranny ass
Ya know what fuck it since my last story wasn't good apparently imma just cut the bull and tell the whole story now shit. So my dick is in her ass and im in heaven, like on some cloud nine shit.the head board is knocking she screamming, im not sure how loud though cause im pretty focused.And like... Read full Story
Tranny Threesome
I met Chrissy about a year ago at a bar. We really hit it off. She was about 5'5" 120 with a nice, athletic body. She was Filipino. Her face, well, unless you knew, you would never know. She was different than the rest of the girls at the bar. While she was there to make a living, she w... Read full Story
Drinking Decisions
I was at a dance club one night a few years back. It was one of these goth/electro sorta things, it kinda looked like something out of a Marylin Manson video. I had been drinking most of the night with my friends and had a pretty good buzz on. This girl comes to the bar next to me, black vinyl corse... Read full Story
My Tranny Experience
Hey all I am about to tell for the first time my tranny experience! This happened last year on a trip with two of my divorced guy friends. We went to Costa Rica on a surf trip and while we were all single guys we took advantage of Costa Rica's night clubs and strip clubs and were having a very fun ... Read full Story
Fantasy fuck
Sitting in the toilet cubicle I have been horny all day my cock is semi hard and I run my finger over the eye as pre cum oozes from the slit, I taste it's salty flavour as I strain the pro out mmm wish there was something going in rather than out! There is activity in the next stall and I see some f... Read full Story
My favorite time with a man as a Tgirl
I was in the dance clubs with my friends and we were very sexy dressed in heels and low tops and I was in high heels and a mini dress that was flowers all around it. My ass looked so big and round in that dress. It was low on my big boobs and very tight so my boobs looked like they have coming out. ... Read full Story
Something new...
Andrea was out all morning, running around doing things and getting ready for our trip. She was taking me to some erotic retreat somwhere, sounded like a lot of fun. I showered and got dressed and was standing in the kitchen at the table, when Andrea come home........ She loked at me gave me a li... Read full Story
After seven long years of sitting around, questioning my sexuality and fantasizing over the one thing I thought I could never have, I finally decided it was time to make a move. I was going to experiment with my sexuality, I was going to look for a real live hot tranny to meet up with and have sex w... Read full Story
Horny tranny
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer. Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lo... Read full Story
Best booty i ever had
there is a certain part of the big city where the community partys everyday of the week called boys town i worked in the area and never knew but what i did know is i had a fetish for an extremly large ass i love big bootys and desired a tranny after watching shemale videos this didnt happen until i ... Read full Story
My first time swallowing a tranny
I used to know a gorgus transsexual women she and I and my ex wife used to fool around and she never had a orgasm but we allays did. Well this one time we were fooling around my ex wife had to leave so we were just the two of us getting it on so I was sucking her lovely cock and she had told me a wi... Read full Story
Erban Riesling
I went to the house of Marya, a black tranny and as usual I sat down on the bed to undress her. First het shirt that unleashed her boobs that I started sucking immediately. She already had dropped her skirt and while I admired her erect penis I saw the head nodding vehemently all of a sudden and the... Read full Story
Sister seduces tranny brother for sissyfication
My big sister used to buy me fags if I massaged her feet & legs I loved it constant aching hard cock the whole. Time. Slowly moving up her nylon clad legs She. Stood all day at her work and it became a ritual I'd be oozing precum well B4 I caressed her kneeknee and my hand disapea... Read full Story
My First Encounter
I had just moved to a brand new city to take a high paying finance job. I had been some what of a workaholic my first six months here. I was working around the clock 7 days a week to make a good first impression. My hard work had finally paid off and I had received a promotion that came with a quite... Read full Story
Never Wanted To Be Your Girlfriend Ch. 04
8:20am Monday Morning --------------------------------- "...You can't be serious, Mike. There is no way anyone is gonna believe me," I whispered intensely. I was sitting in the school office dressed in the patently ridiculous outfit Michael had picked out for me that morning, waiting to see... Read full Story
Getting Ready for my First
Do you remember the first thing you ever put in your ass? The feeling of that pressure around and then inside your asshole? Just cleaned and maybe even shaved or trimmed a bit, ready to try it out? And the pleasure of it, oh the insane pleasure of it, once it got all the way inside you? And then l... Read full Story
Claudia Coming out adventure part 1
*Author's Note: This story starts off being told in First person and after awhile the story shifts to third person* Hello everyone, my name is Claudia I am a Cross dresser who one day hopes to be transgendered, although I do not want the surgery, I am looking to eventually live my life full... Read full Story
Shooting with a tranny
I was bored one day so i decided to rent out a transsexual e****t. I called her up so we can do a special photo shoot together and needless to say, we ended up fucking. She came to my door with an all black dress on and the sides were transparent. She had 5 inch open toe heels on and a leather jacke... Read full Story
My first time
Ok so it was my first time with a crossdresser She picked me up we drove back to hers I was so nerves but excited. We sat down for a smoke and she asked are you never a I said yes so we started kissing and you pulled my dick out I reached down and felt her warm " clit " as she called an... Read full Story
First time
Ever since I was a teen I wanted to get fucked by a tranny. At 19 I finally got the opportunity when I moved to Leicester for university. I did a quick google search to find any in my local area. I stumbled across sexy TS from Colombia with 44DD and a 9 inch cock. My cock got extremely hard after se... Read full Story
NYC bar
I was visiting New York for business and decided to see what the transsexual night life had to offer. After a brief search I found a Tranny Party at a Bar in Manhattan. I went not knowing what to expect. Turns out is a bar where you get lap dances from some of the most beautiful tgirls I've eve... Read full Story
Sweet Tranny Face sitting heaven
My stories are my experiences and memories I like to look back at from time to time.I have had some real to honest God sent blind tranny dates giving me some of my best and happiest moments in my life. As I recall this one time coming across this beautiful nubian goddesses personal ad on Craigs... Read full Story
My First Time
This is my first ever story written about my first ever sexual encounter with a transgender woman. I really hope you enjoy and want to leave me some feedback… I have slept with many women in my life. I have been married, had more girlfriends than I can remember, several fuck buddies and far too m... Read full Story
Are my Tranny Orgasms Unique?
There have been some changes, some dramatic changes, in my sex life since before when I started out acting the heterosexual male role. Rather than being the hard cocked male entering whatever female partner it happened to be this time, now I am more commonly the trans partner being entered. Previous... Read full Story
The Weekend
The weekend A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wife Part 1 - The preparation samantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions... Read full Story
Laufhaus Besuch bei Wunderschöner Tranny
Hallo, heute möchte ich von meinen zweiten Besuch bei einer Tranny berichten, das erste mal war leider nicht so toll wie das zweite mal, vielleicht schreibe ich ein anderes mal darüber. Ich war in Graz bei einem Laufhaus bei TS Stefanie, über sie habe ich in einem Forum nur gutes gehört und habe ... Read full Story
The Seductive Seed of a Tranny MILF
The Seductive Seed of a Tranny MILF SugarandSalt Jackson got home and immediately curled up in bed. He didn't want to move for the rest of the weekend. He'd finally worked up the courage to ask a co-worker out at work. She politely rejected the invitation. Then later on in the day, Jackson spo... Read full Story
Tracy tranny vampiress
Following tracys virginity being taken she became more demanding and started to try many kinky requests demanded by the men who fuck her until now she is a mature filthy slag who has tried most things and never refused any form of legal sexual activity and now belongs to a fetish site and attends fe... Read full Story
Mikaela Lilyskin My story
Hello! My name is Mikaela. I want to tell you a little bit about how I became a "Tranny" I grew up as a normal straight guy. When I was 15 years old, I was looking at a porn magazine and saw an Asian girl with a cock. Oh my god, how horny I got. I jerked and jerked to those pictures for several m... Read full Story
Becoming a Drag Queen
I was thrilled when my boss told me he was sending me to San Francisco for a conference. It was a location on my "Top 10 places I wanted to go". I went online and Googled the major attractions and tourist "must sees in San Francisco. The conference was Wednesday to Friday and I figure... Read full Story
Dating all whole my life
Julia and Ilya, together 10 years It was more than 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gate of my office after a working day. I did not go out godlessly for a long time (40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he does not regret it ... Read full Story
Porn Princess
They say if you are going on a journey of revenge, to dig 2 graves, one for your enemy and one for yourself. I thought I understood the meaning of that saying, but never so much as right now. My name is Dan, and at the age of 21, I had been working for nearly 2 years as a production manager for ... Read full Story
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Read full Story