Free Stories

The dream that became real
ok wear should i start? I guess we could start while I was at work. While I was at work at the movies i walked in on my coworkers haven sex only iut wasnt normal sex i had no idia latoya was a hermaprodite. They didnt notice me cuse i was watching them all of a sudden i seen a 13inch cock go i... Read full Story
Who's the Bitch Now?
Well I was approaching the big Three-O in a couple months and dreading it. I am still in decent shape but the genetic roulette wheel has been a bit unkind since I have been loosing my hair since my early twenties but shave my head so it doesn't look bad. On the other hand I have a good job even d... Read full Story
Threesome for Desi
After months of looking for someone to join us for a threesome, we finally found someone and he is coming over tonight. We are all going to meet at your place so I get over there right after work to get ready. We both take a shower and get dressed before he arrives. We sit on the couch together as w... Read full Story
Desi gets fucked
We get back from our trip to Washington and it was a ton of fun. We have still been looking for a third to join us but have not had any luck. Nevertheless we still find a lot of fun things to do in the meantime. In an effort to have some more fun and keep things interesting I give you a pair of pant... Read full Story
Goth Trans Girl Confession pt1
This is true confession. A journal entry of sorts. Sep. 2009 Anyway, I would say that my family is pretty open, at least compared to most of the families of trans people that I personally know. That doesn't mean that I didn't have a difficult time as far as there understanding when I my... Read full Story
Giving my first blowjob
I was recalling the first time that I ever gave a blow job while I was jerking off last night. I thought I would tell you the story and share what my experience was like when I finally took the plunge and made my first attempts at having sex with a man. At the time, it was a little awkward, but the ... Read full Story
Gym time surprise
Another day, another gym session. Kelly was not looking forward to her gym session, she was bored of doing the same old routine and just going through the motions. She knew she was hot, she knew she didn't need to work at it. She wanted to go home and chill and play with herself as she'd seen that h... Read full Story
The waterfall chapter 1
The car cruised smoothly along the winding countryside road through the spectacular North Yorkshire countryside. The green hills rolled either side of the road, seemingly endlessly, interrupted only by forests and the occasional farm. “you've picked a lovely part of the world Kelly I will give you t... Read full Story
Job Description
My life changed recently and I’m still trying to figure out if it’s for the better. My name is Don and I’m 18 years old and fresh out of high school. My grades weren’t good enough to get me a scholarship and my parents make too much money to qualify for government money. So a... Read full Story
The Room Mate
My wife and I have been happily married for about nine years now. We had never slept with anyone else during our relationship. I have greatly enjoyed my time with her. However a few weeks ago a coworker of my wife’s moved in with us. Her name was Denise and she had just lost her job, car, and ... Read full Story
A Steamy Shower With Desi
We are in Vegas for a vacation and we are having a blast. It is getting late in the afternoon so we head back to the hotel to get ready to go out that night and have some fun. We take a nap in the room and I wake up first so I go hop in the shower. You wake up shortly after me and hear the water run... Read full Story