Free Stories

A Thrilling Adventure
This is a story about one of my friends. She's xtremebly attractive and is a 24/7 girl that I've known for two years. Every now and then we get together and fuck like minks but that's another story altogether. This is a story she told me about one of her many exploits. My name is Anastasia---I'm ... Read full Story
The Football Jock and Chrissie
Back in college, sharing an apartment with my BFF/roommate Kelly, a lot of my dates and hook-ups were arranged by Kelly. For some reason she always seemed to know just who was into what when it came to sex. She learned a lot about other people’s likes and dislikes from hanging with her lesbian... Read full Story
The Married Man of Summer #1
The Married Man of Summer #1 By Sabrina G. Langton *** Something quick.. something from a nice quiet neighborhood, I hope YOU like it... *Stories from the real world This story is slightly, slightly, very slightly autobiographical. Ha... *** Between the beginning of summer 1987 and th... Read full Story